ISIA will be hosting an information session for members (and any interested person) later this month. Refer below details:

Topic: Good Governance, Internal Controls & Fraud

Presenter: Susan Morrison (Internal Audit Advisor)

Susan will be presenting on the importance of having a good governance framework emphasizing on a strong internal control system within organisations, and how this could lead to the prevention and detection of fraud.

Date: 25th October 2023 (5pm to 7pm)

Venue: Heritage Park Hotel (Ahara)

FEES: Members $300 and Non-Members $350

Spaces are limited so allocation will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.

For bookings – please call 20131 or email

A networking opportunity will be held afterwards with finger food and drinks.

About our Presenter:

Sue is currently the Adviser to Internal Auditors in the Solomon Islands Government. She is a CPA and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) and is also an International Development Consultant for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other donor partners and has worked with auditors in Cambodia, The Gambia, Sierra Leone and in other Pacific countries for improved governance and public financial management. In Australia, Sue has worked as a practitioner in local government and public sector entities, advised reform projects and spoken at conferences.
She is an author of IIA technical articles, PASAI newsletters and IMF blog, and contributed to IIA Research Foundation publications "Team Leaders Guide to Internal Audit Leadership" (2020) and the "Guide for New Internal Auditors" (2019). In 2021, she was a member of the International Project Team for updating the IPPF Guidance for the Public Sector which is part of the International Internal Audit Standards.